The Heavy Red Beacon

I have always dyed my hair red, almost everyone in my family had red hair, but I did not.  So from middle school on up I was always a red head.  I saw The French Lieutenants Woman when I was too little to understand what the movie meant but I do remember Meryl Streep’s beautiful red wig.  It stuck with me that tragic and romantic figures had red hair.

It was 7229624220_6fa7cbb5f5_zhard to keep red because while brilliant for the first few days, it fades quickly.

I met a boy when I was 14.  He love my perfume (jasmine oil) and long red hair.  I practically had my own sound track.  In my mind’s eye, I was a romantic and ever so tragic figure standing above the ocean with the wind whipping my hair about me.  That boy was my first love, he left me after a few years.  I always figured he would come back so I kept the red hair, so he would know who I was. I kept it in the same style hanging down by back, as I got older it got curly (almost like it was turning into the wig from the movie). For years I kept the hair, destroying at least one vacuum cleaner a year with my huge tumble weeds of red that would be sucked up and butchering the motor.2735169401_090fe14b25

Almost two years ago I finally asked myself why I was hanging onto pounds of hair that brought me no joy, but had at first been a beacon to a boy to find me, that had become a security blanket to hide behind. No one ever noticed me, they just noticed the hair.  Finally, I think that my hair realized that the boy was not coming, and got on board with my heart and mind.  The blond is back with a vengeance and 14 inches have disappeared.  Have felt light hearted and light headed ever since.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. georgefloreswrite
    Oct 22, 2013 @ 12:06:06

    As a blond are you now receiving more or less interest from the opposite sex?



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