Foreign Geekisms


Math is a language I do not understand, in high school and college my teachers always reminded me of what adults sounded like in Charlie Brown Specials, “Mwah, mwah, ma, ma, Mwahhh”. No matter how hard I would try it was just wrong to me.

I married someone who thinks going to those FBI code cracking site constitutes as a good time. He will sit and chuckle while he does it, like somehow that code and he have become good buddies. I see this as extremely strange, but forgive him because he forgives me my neurosis (most of the time).

Recently he bought his first baby gift for an old friend’s first child. I usually handle all gift buying, but he wanted to tackle this on his own, I worried that the child may be college age before he actually decided on something (he is a hesitant shopper) but for once the doddering shopper was quick and efficient. Which struck me as a little creepy (when I say hesitant shopper it took a month of research to purchase our last vacuum).

He came to me with his gifts with such a proud and almost sassy look on his handsome face that I for once did not tease him. He bought a robot riding a dinosaur pink onesie, pink tutu, and blue leg warmers. I must say the cute, quirky outfit made me smile and humbled me in his gift buying abilities. But that was not what the pompous look on his face was for, giggling in kind of maniacal mad genius way he pulls a book from behind his back. The book is “Calculus for Infants” and for that, no matter how sweet he was about being pleased with his gift buying I could not stop from totally doubling over in laughter. I should have known.

He has now purchased his own for our youngest and I have had to sit through his reading of it a few times, and even though it is calculus written for a child form…I still only hear “Mwah -mwah” coming from his lips. My youngest daughter looks at her father as if she understands every word and it is just as fascinating as when I read her “Take Me to the Zoo”. Maybe math is a secret lingo I just don’t understand. I will never appreciate the pure nerdiness it takes to geek out that badly

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Fiercely Yours
    Jul 07, 2013 @ 19:06:06

    That’s awesome!



  2. That Suburban Momma
    Jul 08, 2013 @ 16:53:31

    Haha! LOVE that. I’m with you on the Charlie Brown “mwah mwah” that’s all I hear too! Sadly, this is not a good thing when I am still taking math courses. :/



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